Saturday, November 21, 2009


45 minutes



Since I am a proper seamstress, this was a piece of cake. *cough*

I cut up a perfect pair of Dora overall shorts because LuLu loves them and couldn't fit them anymore.
Broke my seam ripper and said nothing ugly. ~Alex was sitting there~
Cut the blamed belt loops off because I was furious sure that the apron would be just fine without them.
Cut the bib off the shorts.
Cut the straps off the shorts.
Cut the pretty flower patch off the leg of the now pitiful shorts.

Sewed the bib bottom to the apron (from Target a while back for $1).
Sewed the straps faces together to form a loop once the buttons are reattached.
Hand sewed/sewn? the pretty flower patch to the apron pocket because I am too lazy and my ripper is now broken positive the apron will look much cuter with a hand sewn patch.


I then gloated on my fabulousness. By then LuLu was awake and modeled it for me. Perfect fit. Best of all she adores it.

That is priceless.

I then asked Alex if she wanted mommy to make her a pretty apron.  
Hm, I guess she's not that into aprons ~  because it couldn't possibly mean she might think I'd destroy an article of her clothing and put it on an apron she'd probably never wear, right?